Thursday, May 5, 2011

Paradise Palms Social Club and neighborhood news.

*Paradise Palms Social Club is this Saturday, May 7th at the Heximer House - 7-10p.m. Bring your favorite beverage. Saturday is also the Kentucky Derby, so funny hats are optional.
Allergy alert: The owners have a small dog and a cat.

* We will begin taking donations at the Paradise Palm Social Club meetings. Funds will go towards a "Paradise Palms Social Club" sign that will travel around the neighborhood for each meeting so everyone can easily spot the right house. We would also like to use part of the money to purchase a screen print and ink so we can start making Paradise Palms t-shirts.
Eventually, We'd like to buy a gas powered paint gun so graffiti clean up will be easy. We will be very open about how much money is made and where it is spent. Suggestions on how the funds are utilized are encouraged.

*We have officially established a neighborhood pride zone for the south side of Paradise Palms. (The county suggested that we  form two neighborhood pride zones because Paradise Palms is large and in two different townships.) The north side is working on their application now and will be asking for signatures at the social club.
Even though we will have two neighborhood pride zones we should all pitch in to help one another.  The county will be sending out flyers to everyone in the neighborhood with more info soon. We will have our first clean up Saturday, June 11th from approximately 8:00a.m.-11:00 a.m. If you would like to volunteer early for this event, please reply with your name and e-mail address.

The following is the information we have received from the county:

"Here is what the County provides to established neighborhood pride zones
Public Works  
Analyze the neighborhood
Repair and replace faded street signs
Repair, replace, or installation of sidewalks
Remove weeds from sidewalks
Repair and/or repaint street light poles
Add ADA ramps in neighborhood if needed
Remove any obstructions from the right-of-way
Repaint crosswalks if any within Pride Zone boundaries
Explore the Traffic Calming measure
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

PRO – Graffiti Abatement and Code Enforcement
Clean graffiti in the area 
Provide paint and supplies to neighbors who clean graffiti
Evaluated current cases within that neighborhood
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

Parks and Recreation
Clean up park (if one is located in that Pride Zone)
Have NPZ help with Park Ambassador Program
Promote activities in the Rec Center (if one is located in that Pride Zone)
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

Constables Office
Tags and Removes abandoned cars, Semi's, boats and trailers in the streets that have been identified
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

Fire Department
Inspect all fire hydrants in the neighborhood ensuring they are operable .
Provide the proper paint for hydrants and curb for volunteers' to paint.
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

Establish Neighborhood Watch program as part of the NPZ and have their COP officers to promote unit
Educational material or numbers to call available to all the neighbors

Town and Liaison Services
Coordinates project with County departments
Help organize a neighborhood clean-up
Provide Republic Services dumpsters
Provide neighborhood grant information"

Hope to see you Saturday.